

Bullis Charter School's expectations are based on the Six Pillars of Characters.  The entire staff at BCS is committed to modeling and supporting a safe, respectful and caring school environment.  We believe that in such an environment, students will be able to learn and perform to the best of their ability.





Be kind, helpful, and understanding.  Be thankful.  Forgive others.



Treat other people like you would like them to treat you.  Use good manners.  Understand that all people are different and all people have feelings.



Do what you are supposed to do.  Keep trying and always do your best.  Think before you act.  Make good choices.



Be honest.  Never lie, cheat or steal,  Do what you say you will do.



Play by the rules.  Take turns.  Share.  Be a good listener.



Do what you can, to make your school and neighborhood better.  Cooperate with others.  Be friendly.  Protect the environment.  Obey the laws.



BEARS Expectations

Students are also expected to abide by the BEARS expectations


      Be Empathetic 

      Encourage Others

      Act Safely

      Ready to Learn

      Solve Problems