
Prospective Families FAQ


Welcome to Bullis Charter School (BCS)!   Whether you have a rising TK/Kindergartener or kids in older grades, we are thrilled to have you join the BCS family and want to extend our warmest welcome to you all.  We understand that starting at a new school can be a little overwhelming at first, but please know that we are here to help! We hope the information and resources below will help make the transition easier. 


Please note these are based on past trends and can change subject to various variables.  Please check back later for possible updates.        


* You may also find "Back to School Check List" helpful.



Bear Guides 


As a new family, you will be assigned a Bear Guide, a parent volunteer who will act as your mentor and personal point of contact at school.  The Bear Guide program is organized by the Bullis Boosters Club (BBC, our parent volunteer organization) and connects one current family with a few incoming new families like you.  Your Bear Guide will help answer any questions you may have and can help you navigate BCS with ease and confidence.  



Class Assignments 


Students’ class assignments are communicated at an in-person Summer Social/Teacher Meet & Greet before the start of school.  This year, the socials will take place on Monday, August 12. North and South Campus K-5 from 5:00-6:00 and North Campus 6-8 from 6:30-7:30. Please go to your respective campus to learn and meet your child's teacher, meet other families, learn about volunteer opportunities, and more.   


Create an Account on the BBC Website/Directory/Classroom Ambassador's email 

(Here is why and how!)


When you create an account, you will be asked to input parent information, as well as student(s) information.  When you choose the teacher (or group for Middle School), you will automatically be added to the Classroom Ambassador's email list, and be given access to appropriate menu items on the website.  You choose what information you want to share in the Directory.  We strongly suggest to share at a minimum your names, email and student info.  This will help you connect with other parents at school and parents of your kid's friends!   Creating an account is also important as you will come back to this account to buy Spirit Wear, become a paid member, or signup for BBC events such as Ice Skating Nights, Walkathon, etc.



BBC Membership


The BBC is our school’s equivalent of a “PTO”, or Parent Volunteer Organization. The BBC plans school events, supports our teachers and staff, coordinates community building activities, and much more.  Your membership dues are vital to helping us fund school programs, staff room needs, and community-building events as well as provide you access to our school's online directory for connecting with other BCS families and staff.  Join us today as a paid member! 



Bell Schedule (2024-25)



8:15am - 3:05pm

Grades 1-5

8:35am - 3:15pm (first bell is at 8:30am for kids to line up)

Grades 6-8

8:00am - 3:29pm


On early dismissal days, dismissal for all learners will be at 12:30pm.

  • Absences: If your child needs to miss school, please email attendance@bullischarterschool.com by the start of the school day and cc your child’s homeroom teacher.  
  • Late arrival: please have your student stop by the office to pick up a tardy slip before entering the classroom.
  • If your child needs to be picked up early, please inform the office and teacher.  You will need to go to the office first to sign out the child.


AfterSchool Care / Before-School Care / Transportation (during a typical school year)


We understand childcare and transportation are important to manage a busy household.  To help you identify the solution that best meets your needs, we have compiled a list of providers based on BBC member input.  Please note that BBC is not affiliated with, nor does it recommend, sponsor, or endorse any of the listed organizations.  Please vet the vendors directly and don’t forget to ask your fellow BCS families for additional input!

School Supplies


Please visit the BBC School Supplies page for all the information!  TK, K and Grade 1 students are encouraged to bring school supplies to the Summer Social.  Other Grades should bring their school supplies on the first day of school.  


Campus Locations


North Campus (Grade TK-8)

102 West Portola Ave. 

Los Altos, CA 94022

South Campus (Grade TK-5)

1124 Covington Rd.

Los Altos, CA 94024

  • Phone: (650) 947-4100
  • Fax: (650) 947-4989
  • Email: info@bullischarterschool.com



Carline and Parking at North Campus & South Campus for Pick-up and Drop-off:

  • Please follow all school zone laws, including - 15 mph around the school, no parking in red zones, do not block neighbor driveways and mailboxes (even if only for a minute!), do not do UTurns on Covington or Portola and utilize the crosswalks. It's not safe to send your kids across the street with no crosswalk. 
  • Parking spaces are limited.  Please utilize street parking or curbside pick-up and drop-off for kids in first grade and up.  
  • TK/Kindergarten: please park your car and accompany your student to and from the classroom (no curbside drop-off)

Walk or Wheel! (WoW!)  


Both campuses have bike racks. We challenge every BCS family to find a greener way to travel, such as walking, biking, or carpooling. We hold monthly Walk or Wheel events for students to earn points for their houses. Let’s do our part to lower our carbon footprint! 



Spirit Wear


Please check the online Spirit Wear sale.  The pre-ordered Spirit Wear will be available for pickup on the first day of school.  We will also have limited quantities for you to purchase.  



First Day of School (during a typical school year)


Where to meet: 

  • TK/Kindergarten: Please accompany your TK/K students to the kindergarten lot by the morning bell. The homeroom teachers will greet them there.
  • Grades 1-5: Students should line up on the blacktop by 8:30 am.  Note that the campus only opens at 8:15am.  Please stay with your child prior to 8:15am
  • Middle School: students should enter their classrooms directly unless instructed otherwise.    

What to bring:

  • Apply sunscreen at home
  • Bring a water bottle and snacks for recess (No Sharing)
  • Bring the pre-ordered school supplies to the class if you haven’t done so already
  • Drop medications at the office if applicable

First Day Parent Coffee: Join BBC and the parent community for a cup of coffee after you drop off your child.  


Hot Lunch: 

California offers free lunch (and breakfast) for all students. BCS partnered with The LunchMaster as our breakfast and lunch vendor, and families received login information before school started to create an online account and select meals each day for the student(s) free of charge.    

  • Please either order or pack a lunch for your student every day. We encourage you to let your student order their lunch choices - often lunches are never eaten because they "don't like what their parents ordered". 
  • Please pack a snack for your student every day


Food Allergies:

  • Please fill out the appropriate Allergy and Medication forms during the registration process.
  • Please drop off the medications at the office by the first day of school.
  • On both campuses, the lunch area has nut-free areas designated for those with nut and dairy allergies. 
  • BCS lunch staff carries a medical bag, including an Epi-Pen.
  • BCS is not a nut-free school, but many classrooms have a nut-free policy.  Consult your homeroom teacher if you have questions.


Co-curriculars vs. Extra-curriculars (applicable to students 1st Grade and up) 


  • Co-Curricular (mandatory):
    • Think of Co-Curricular as electives DURING SCHOOL HOURS starting in 1st grade
    • Students request placement in two Co-Curricular classes by ranking their choices classes in the Fall and again in the Spring (Friday afternoon 1:20-3pm at North and Wednesday afternoon 1:20-3pm at South)
    • Placement in these classes IS NOT first come, first served.
    • Past offerings have included, but are not limited to, Spanish, tap dance, and LEGO robotics.
    • Look for signup information in Bear Essentials in September and January.
  • Extra-Curricular (optional):
    • Think of Extra-Curriculars as before/after school enrichment clubs offered by the BCS teachers.
    • Past offerings have included, but are not limited to Choir, Dodgeball, Reading, etc. 
    • Drama Studio (Play in the Fall and Musical in the Spring)
    • Placement in Extra-Curriculars IS first come, first served
    • Once you sign up, you are committed to the whole duration of the offering.
    • Look for signup information in Bear Essentials in September and Jan


How to get involved: 


Volunteering has been a great part of the whole success of BCS. Per the 2015 Strategic Planning, one of the 6 strategies is: “To engage all families as essential partners to support the continued vitality of the BCS community, its students, staff, and programs.”  Indeed, BCS is the amazing community it is today because of the many volunteers who help pave the way.  Volunteering is the best way to get to know the school, students, and their families.  


Check out the BBC Volunteer Page Here. 


Classroom volunteer opportunities will also pop up throughout the year, including class parties, reading to the class, field trip chaperones, library helpers, yearbook editors and more! Your homeroom teacher will let you know more about these at Back to School Night and throughout the year. 



Special Events for New Families:


As you begin your journey here at BCS, we want to encourage you to attend these events to meet and greet the leadership, administrators, and other BCS families.  We will cover a wide variety of topics and provide you with a high-level overview of our programs and school as well as some helpful hints for navigating your way through your first year.  We look forward to meeting you! 

  • August 12, 2024 4:00-5:00 PM - New Family TK/ Kinder Summer Playdate will occur on both South and North campuses on August 12th from 4pm-5pm PST. Following the play date, new families will join the all-school summer social, where the school publishes classroom assignment lists and everyone can meet the teachers. 

  • September 21, 2024 - New Family Reception - More Details Coming Soon!


Special Education


BCS offers a hands-on approach to our learners.  We offer special education services that include a speech and language pathologist, an occupational therapist, school counselors, and resource specialists who strive to ensure all learners are equipped with the skills they need to succeed. Inclusion remains at the forefront, and we are here to support in any way we can. To learn more about the special education program at BCS, please contact the Director of Special Education, Jodi Snyder at jsnyder@bullischarterschool.com.  



Health & Medication


Both North and South campuses have clinics for first aid treatment and medical need administrations.  Please contact the office or school nurses - Staff Directory



We are here to support you!  If you have more questions, please email Nicole or Khushboo our BBC Directors of New Family Engagement.